Church Family and Friends-
October 3rd marks the 2-year anniversary of our 57th Street Little Free Library, and we couldn't be more pleased about the huge success of this project. To date, over 650 books have been distributed - not including those physically placed in the library by the community/ users. We are elated that this library has transformed our lawn and proved to be a source of enhancement for our community and youth. We believe that it has provided an opportunity for education and interaction, while increasing the visibility and impact of our church. As with all projects, there are some challenges – which we were not devoid of but were able to quickly rebound. On July 23, the library door was found broken, but with the master assistance of Boy Scout Master Jeff Edstrom, the library door was repaired in 5 short days later. On behalf of the Sharing & Experiencing God's Love Committee and the United Church of Hyde Park Church Council, we wish to extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone for the support and book donations. Special mention of one of our key donors - 57th Street Bookstore and Seminary Co-op Bookstore (whose donations have been unwavering), without which this feat would be impossible. |
This Little Free Library (Charter #133952) is a collective project of Boy Scout Troop 512 and United church of Hyde Park. The grand opening was Oct 3, 2021. Right now, the library opens 24/7. Everyone is welcome to bring a book and take a book to/from the library. Feel free to contact us, if you would like to donate books to the library. Special thanks to our long time donor: The 57th Street Bookstore and Seminary Co-op Bookstore.
Let's keep the library running for our Hyde Park Community! Church office: (773) 363-1620 email address: [email protected] |